
How You Can Help the Environment


How You Can Help the Environment

Por Adventure Science Center

Our brand-new, temporary exhibit, Recycle Rainforest, is now open! Come visit the science center and learn about Earth’s rainforests & make your very own rainforest animal from reused materials.

Looking for more ways to get involved in conservation efforts? Stopping deforestation and tackling climate change is a challenge way bigger than any one of us. No single change will get things back on track, but here are a few ideas for how you can help.

Recycle Paper Products 

Paper and cardboard are the most recycled products in the United States! A typical piece of paper can be recycled five times before ending its useful life.

Find out what is recyclable in Nashville.

Reduce Meat Consumption 

The consumption of meat, especially beef, is the main driver of slash-and-burn agriculture. You don’t have to become a vegetarian to help out—every little bit helps!

Discover local vegetarian and vegan restaurants.

Donate Unneeded Items 

Donating your unneeded things helps support and strengthen our community. It also reduces the need for cardboard shipping boxes, fuel for trucks, and more.

Find a donation center near you.

Support Walkable Communities 

Walkable towns and cities use less space, meaning fewer trees need to be cut down for future construction. Getting around without a car is also a great source of exercise!

Learn more with Walk Bike Nashville.

Plant a Tree 

Planting your very own tree helps restore our ecosystem by providing habitats for animals and keeping our surface temperatures cooler. It also makes Nashville a healthier, more beautiful place to live!

Find a tree giveaway! 


Recycle Rainforest is presented by Amazon and supported by AllianceBernstein, Waste Management, and Nissan Americas.






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