Membresías de regalo

Give the gift of science

and adventure!


Las membresías de regalo se pueden comprar de dos maneras:

1. Purchase a physical gift card

Purchase a giftcard that can be used to cover the cost of the membership. This allows your recipient to choose the start date of their membership. Gift card will be mailed to either purchaser or recipient. 

2. Compre una membresía de regalo en línea.

The membership will be automatically sent to the recipient via email.

Note: The membership starts on the date of purchase. No physical items will be sent to the purchaser or recipient.

Need something under the tree? Download the printable certificate here.

Not sure which level to give?

Contact us at for help. For a detailed look at our membership options - descargue nuestra guía de membresía aquí!

Tenga en cuenta: Al otorgar una membresía, solo incluya a los adultos del hogar (mayores de 18 años) como miembro principal y / o secundario.

Want to know more about Membership benefits?


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Español de México