The Adventure Tower, located in the center of our building, is currently closed for routine maintenance and updates. We know the tower is a popular area for active exploration, so we're temporarily offering discounts as a thank you for understanding. haga clic aquí to learn more.

Donaciones planificadas

Considere incluir Adventure Science Center en sus planes patrimoniales

There’s a reason Adventure Science Center matters to you. You believe in our mission to ignite curiosity and inspire lifelong discovery of science, and now wish you could do even more. Perhaps you have memories of visiting the museum as a kid and now bring your own family or friends, or you’re a member or volunteer who’s generously donated your time or money to support our work.

Tiene una conexión importante con nosotros y un regalo planificado es la manera perfecta de continuar esa relación. Un regalo planeado es ...

  • Fácil de organizar: configure un regalo planificado con facilidad ahora y revíselo sin problemas en el futuro
  • Un beneficio para todos: los obsequios planificados brindan para usted, sus seres queridos y el museo
  • Fit for anyone – It doesn't matter the size of your estate or how much wealth you have to make a planned gift

No matter the size of the gift, donors will be remembered as supporters of our mission for years to come. Estate gifts may include bequests, charitable trusts, or beneficiary designations.

A gift in your will is often the easiest route to your legacy, and to make it as simple as possible, we're giving you una forma gratuita de escribir o iniciar su testamento. Including a gift to Adventure Science Center is a powerful way to develop creative, confident, and curious problem-solvers for generations to come.

Another great way to support is through a Tax-free gift through your IRA. Obtenga más información sobre las donaciones IRA.

Questions? Contact Joel Abramson by email or by phone at 615-401-5113.

©2024 Adventure Science Center
Español de México