
September Theme: Weather Month


September Theme: Weather Month

Por Adventure Science Center

Explore the exciting world of weather this month at Adventure Science Center.

Check out a few of the activities we're facilitating this month and explore the science behind it all.

Themed programming will take place:

i2 Makerspace

  • September 7-8: Cloud (Ch)Art
  • September 14-15: Constellation Keychains
  • September 21-22: Tornado en una botella
  • September 28-29: Titanium Rings

Starting this month, you can pick up an i2 punch card. After your 9th visit to the makerspace, you can get a prize from our collection of 3D printables!

Early Explorer Storytime Books and Activities

  • September 9: My Little Book of Weather
    • Early Explorers will make a tornado in a bottle to take home.
  • September 16: The Sun: Our Nearest Star 
    • Early Explorers will combine yellow, orange, and red paints to make sunny spin art!
  • September 23: Nubes
    • Early Explorers will experience being inside a cloud as our facilitator mixes liquid nitrogen and hot water. Then, they will make cloud dough to take home with them.
  • September 30: Pete the Cat: Snow Daze
    • Early Explorers will experiment with a super absorbent polymer, sodium polyacrylate, to make fake snow!

Please note: Early Explorers Storytime will not take place on Monday, September 2. Storytime will resume on Monday, September 9.

Time: Every Monday at 9:30 am
Localización: Eureka Theatre on the second floor
Ages: Pre-K (Kids Under Five)
Follow us on Instagram for a sneak peek at each week's story and associated activity.

Floor Programming

  • Tornado Jug Demonstration
  • Wimshurst Lightning Demonstration

Adventure Science Center is open:

Monday, Thursday, Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Join us this month for science fun for all ages!




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Español de México