
A New Outdoor Experience

Adventure Science Center is proud to have deep roots in Music City and we are excited to announce that we have completed planting the remaining trees for our 75th Anniversary Arboretum.

By carefully adding native species of trees in coordination with Metro Parks and Metro Historical Zoning Commission and also under the guidance and supervision of Tennessee Valley Archaeological Research (TVAR), we will have thirty different species, thereby making us eligible for designation as a Level 1 arboretum by the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council.

This new arboretum will teach about the importance of trees and provide guests with an extended learning experience outdoors.

View the Arboretum Map aquí.

Did you know that trees provide homes for animals, keep us cool and clean our air? Click here to learn more about the benefits that trees provide to us and our world. Read More >


There are several groups around Nashville that provide information and help with planting trees. Here are a few links to organization that can help you get started:

Nashville Tree Foundation

Root Nashville


Presenting Sponsors:

Arboretum Sponsors:

Darlene's Climbing Tree
Mark & Missy Dodson
Senator Bill & Tracy Frist
Lisa & Tony Giarratana
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Goldner & Family
Steve Hinkley
The Jahangir Family
Matt & Paige Kisber
Bradley & Megan Lawrence
Brooks, Bert, & The Mathews Family
Metro Parks & Recreation
Metro Historical Commission
Nissan Group of the Americas
Allen & Lee Oakley
Tennessee Valley Authority
Adventure Science Center Staff
In Memory of Deford Bailey

©2025 Adventure Science Center
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