Maker Day

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Early Explorers is our weekly themed story time for pre-K kids at the science center. Each week, we'll read a different book related to a STEAM concept and explorers will […]

Taylaser planetario

Put on your best dress for Taylaser!What if we told you none of it was accidental? We’ve been scheming like a criminal to bring you a night of all your […]

Taylaser planetario

Put on your best dress for Taylaser!What if we told you none of it was accidental? We’ve been scheming like a criminal to bring you a night of all your […]

Midnights Sing-along planetario

Get out your map and just run for a Midnights Sing-along!Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned so you and I could end […]

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Español de México