Giving Impact


A gift that Makes a Difference

As a vital non-profit with over a 75-year history in the Nashville community, the science center depends on the generous support of our community to continue our mission of opening all minds to the wonders of science and innovation.

Why give to Adventure Science Center?

Science centers like Adventure Science Center play a distinctive role in advancing science literacy and building a pipeline of workers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.

A 2017 national study (November 2017: Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Contribution of Science-Rich Resources to Public Science Interest) found that visiting science centers was the only experience among those studied that consistently impacted youth interest in science throughout their lives. This study also concluded that commitments to science by learners occur at a young age, often before adolescence, and attitudes toward science and science careers in early adolescence appear to be the single most important factor in determining a child’s future career choice and success in science.

Our former board chair and renowned physician, Dr. Alex Jahangir, is an amazing example of this idea in action.   

 Your support truly helps inspire today's adventures to become tomorrow's leaders.

Donation Amount Suggestions

$5 provides 5 craft kits for our high-tech, maker-space, Incubadora de innovación (i2)
$15 covers the cost of field trip admission for 20 students
$18 covers the cost of two Max Flight: Full Motion Simulator riders
$30 purchases a week's worth of liquid nitrogen for our massive, end-of-day cloud demonstration
$75 purchases a meteorite for hands-on astronomy education
$100 covers the cost of 2 Curiosity Memberships, a subsidized membership for families who participate in certain government programs
$250 offsets the cost of one CR3W volunteer, a free program for high school students in the Nashville area
$300 offsets the cost of 50 MNPS students and 5 MNPS teachers who both receive free access to the science center
$400 provides one camp scholarship + Before Care and After Care
$750 provides two camp scholarships


Adventure Access provides free and reduced admissions for underserved communities and our nonprofit partners, defraying costs associated with admission tickets, memberships, field trips, and camp scholarships significantly eliminating financial barriers for all children and their families to access the science center’s robust suite of educational programs.

Adventure Access is partially and generously sponsored by: Advance Financial Foundation

With additional support from:


The Louie M. and Betty M. Phillips Foundation



Adventure Science Center se compromete a respetar la privacidad de los donantes. Los tipos de información de donantes que recopila y mantiene son los siguientes:

  • Información de contacto: nombre, dirección, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico
  • Dando informacion
  • Información sobre eventos a los que asistió, publicaciones recibidas y solicitudes especiales de información sobre programas
  • Información proporcionada por el donante en forma de comentarios y sugerencias

Adventure Science Center utiliza la información de los donantes para comprender sus intereses en su misión y para actualizarlos sobre los planes y actividades de la organización. Se comparte con el personal, los miembros de la junta, los voluntarios y los consultores solo cuando se necesita saberlo. El centro de ciencias también asegura a los donantes que sus nombres y direcciones no se compartirán con terceros a menos que se les haya otorgado permiso. Para aquellos que no desean ser incluidos en una lista de correo que podría venderse, alquilarse o alquilarse a otras organizaciones, los donantes deben comunicarse con el centro de ciencias para que se eliminen sus nombres. Si tiene comentarios o preguntas sobre la política de privacidad de donantes de Adventure Science Center, por favor Envíanos un correo electrónico o llamar (615) 401-5055.

©2025 Adventure Science Center
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