Donor Society Benefits

Cambiando vidas, todos los días

By joining a Donor Society, you have the opportunity to spark curiosity and inspire learning in explorers of all ages. Your engagement makes you a leader in a community of lifelong learners.

As a thank you, Adventure Science Center is proud to offer our donors the following exclusive experiences.

Discovery Society - $1,000 +
  • Invitation to exclusive Donor Sneak Peeks
  • Name listed on the donor wall
  • 10% Discount to Way Late Play Dates
  • Invitation to exclusive Discovery Society events throughout the year
  • Endeavor membership and benefits
Newton Society - $2,500 +
  • Discovery Society experiences
  • 1 Private Live Science experience
Curie Society - $5,000 +
  • Newton Society experiences
  • 5% Discount to host an event at the science center
  • Invitation to exclusive annual dinner
Einstein Society - $10,000 +
  • Currie Society experiences
  • 10% Discount to host an event at the science center
  • Invitation to exclusive travel opportunities

Cada obsequio es totalmente deducible de impuestos en la medida de la ley.

Cambiando vidas

By joining the Discovery Society, you have the opportunity to spark curiosity and inspire learning in explorers of all ages. Your engagement makes you a leader in a community of lifelong learners.

Conozca cómo nuestros programas educativos impactan a su comunidad.

Ver el impacto »

Contactos de Discovery Society

Joel Abramson
Director de desarrollo
(615) 401-5113


©2024 Adventure Science Center
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