Wonders of the Universe

Coming Soon:

Mars Rover Exhibit

You may have noticed our construction - curious to know what's on the horizon?

We're excited to announce the opening of a fully renovated Wonders of the Universe gallery on Saturday, June 1. Immerse yourself in a Mars diorama and get up close and personal with a model from NASA of the Curiosity rover and a life-sized comparison of NASA's Hubble and James Webb telescopes. You'll even have the opportunity to touch a real Mars meteorite! 


A New Perspective on Some Old Friends

No idea is more connected to astronomy than the constellation. But did you know that there’s more to them than meets the eye? We see constellations as a two-dimensional picture in the sky, but they are actually made up of stars spread across the galaxy. See this for yourself with our beautiful, 3-D star sculpture. If you look closely, you can spot some familiar sights from a whole new perspective.

The Latest News from Space

There’s a whole universe of discoveries out there. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your visit to get up to speed with the latest astronomy research—direct from NASA!  You’ll uncover the latest planets, farthest-flung galaxies, brightest stars, and so much more.

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