The Adventure Tower, located in the center of our building, is currently closed for routine maintenance and updates. We know the tower is a popular area for active exploration, so we're temporarily offering discounts as a thank you for understanding. Click here to learn more.


Dream to Fly

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Have you ever dreamt you were flying?

Come and discover the history, mystery, and allure of flight as the Sudekum Planetarium presents Dream to Fly.

Witness success and failure as pioneers such as Leonardo da Vinci, the Montgolfier brothers, the Wright brothers seek to overcome the immense challenges required to make their dreams a reality. Dream to Fly is a poetic story about the development of flight through the ages presented in an innovative way.

Dream to Fly highlights the most important milestones en route to humanity conquering the skies – from technological breakthroughs, to commercial and military aviation, to our perceptions of flying itself – from gliding among the clouds to reaching for the stars.

Produced by The Heavens of Copernicus Productions in Warsaw, Poland, Dream to Fly features rich fulldome visuals, beautiful music, and poetic narrative, making this an exceptional immersive experience.

Captions are available for Dream to Fly—ask a team member as you enter the planetarium. Learn about accessibility at ASC.

33 minutes
Elementary +

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