
Laser Prince

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Experience the music of Prince in stunning lasers under the dome!
Hop in your Little Red Corvette and join the Housequake at the Sudekum Planetarium! We'll party like it's 1999 and get Delirious with laser lights and the music of Prince! Don't wait, Purple Rain or shine, the show will go on.

  1. Cream
  2. Housequake
  3. 1999
  4. Kiss
  5. Partyman
  6. Little Red Corvette
  7. When Doves Cry
  8. Delirious
  9. Purple Rain
  10. Hot Summer
  11. Let’s Go Crazy

Track selections are subject to change.

This show contains some explicit lyrics. Recommended for ages 16 and up.

This program contains flashing lights that may affect guests who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photosensitivities.
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