Overcup Oak

Overcup Oak1

Overcup Oak

Quercus lyrata

Family: Fagaceae

Leaf Type: Deciduous

Mature Height: ~24 m (~80 ft)

Fall Color: Red, yellow, or brown

Native Range: Overcup oaks are found throughout the Southeast.



The leaves of the overcup oak can come in many different shapes. Usually, they have three squarish lobes at the end that are much wider than the base of the leaf. They are dark green and shiny on top with a pale green, sometimes hairy, underleaf. As with all oaks, the fruit of the overcup oak is an acorn. The acorns of these trees give them their name. The acorn is large and almost completely enclosed by the cap, which helps easily distinguish this oak tree from other oak species. We recommend not sampling the fruits & nuts of the trees and plants here at Adventure Science Center. Overcup oaks have light to dark gray bark that is deeply ridged and furrowed.


Fun Facts

● Overcup oak gets it’s common name from the cap of the acorn that notably almost completely encloses the acorn fruit.
● Overcup oak wood is susceptible to diseases and injury which make it less valuable for lumber and building materials than other white oak wood. However, it can be used for firewood.
● The acorns of this tree are spongy, which makes them float on water.

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