Bringing Science To Life
Whether in person or online, we are excited to provide you and your students with a day of learning experiences that is out of this world! Download the Learning Expedition Guide to see all our education offerings.
In-Person Field Trip Options
Adventure Science Center is welcoming group visits to the museum once again with the following guidelines:
- Any group of 20 or more students qualifies for School Group Pricing
- Exploration of the science center should be conducted in 1:10 chaperone to student ratio
- Groups must reserve their Field Trip at least 2 weeks in advance (exceptions made on a per-case basis
School Group Field Trips During the Academic Year
This program is for school groups visiting during the academic year.
- For schools that would like to visit in the summer, on weekends, or on non-school days, please use the “Other Group Visits” form.
- School Group rates apply only to tax-exempt K-12 schools, preschools, year-round daycares, Head Start programs, and organized home schools.
To qualify for the school group rate, groups must:
- Have 20 or more students and register prior to their visit.
- Reserve their field trip at least two weeks in advance.
- Have at least one adult (teacher or chaperone) for every ten students.
Other Group Visits and Summer Field Trips
This program is for non-school groups and school groups who plan to visit:
- On weekends
- During the summer
- On holidays
- On non-school days
To qualify for group pricing, groups must:
- Reserve a visit 2 weeks in advance.
- Have at least 20 paid visitors.
- Have at least one adult for every ten youth.
Questions? Contact for more information.