Bringing Science To Life
Whether in person or online, we are excited to provide you and your students with a day of learning experiences that is out of this world! Download the Learning Expedition Guide to see all our education offerings.
In-Person Field Trip Options
Adventure Science Center is welcoming group visits to the museum once again with the following guidelines:
- Any group of 20 or more students qualifies for School Group Pricing
- Exploration of the science center should be conducted in 1:10 chaperone to student ratio
- Groups must reserve their Field Trip at least 2 weeks in advance (exceptions made on a per-case basis
Does your school need financial assistance for a field trip?
Adventure Science Center's STEM Access Fund may be able to help. If you're a Title I school in MNPS or a school from a rural county, the fund may be able to underwrite your bussing costs or provide free admission or add-on programming. Fill out this form to apply for assistance, then submit a regular field trip request and mention your application in the notes.
The STEM Access Fund is generously sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
School Group Field Trips During the Academic Year
This program is for school groups visiting during the academic year.
- For schools that would like to visit in the summer, on weekends, or on non-school days, please use the “Other Group Visits” form.
- School Group rates apply only to tax-exempt K-12 schools, preschools, year-round daycares, Head Start programs, and organized home schools.
To qualify for the school group rate, groups must:
- Have 20 or more students and register prior to their visit.
- Reserve their field trip at least two weeks in advance.
- Have at least one adult (teacher or chaperone) for every ten students.
Other Group Visits and Summer Field Trips
This program is for non-school groups and school groups who plan to visit:
- On weekends
- During the summer
- On holidays
- On non-school days
To qualify for group pricing, groups must:
- Reserve a visit 2 weeks in advance.
- Have at least 20 paid visitors.
- Have at least one adult for every ten youth.
Questions? Contact for more information.