
Design a Board Game


Design a Board Game

By Adventure Science Center

During this period of social distancing and quarantine, board games are a great way to engage with your family or virtually with your friends! Your challenge is to design a board game that can be played either in-person with your family or virtually with a friend.

Step 1: Watch the 10 Steps to Design a Board Game video from Jamey Stegmayer, a professional board game designer. What STEM skills and habits do you see in these steps?

Step 2: Design and write down your game’s objectives and rules. Think through the following questions:
How many players can play at one time?
How do you move forward or advance in the game?
Is it a collaborative or competitive game?
If it’s competitive, how does someone win the game? If it’s collaborative, how does the team know they are finished?

Step 3: Gather materials needed for your design. Think through what materials could be used for the board and the pieces. Use the Engineering Design Process Guide to help you map out your design.

Step 4: Set up your board and have a family member test your prototype.
What did they like about your game? What did they think could be improved upon? Redesign your board game using their feedback and challenge family members (in-person) or friends (virtually) to a game night!

Step 5: Ask an adult to share a picture or video of your game design on social media using #MakerMondayTN and #LearningAtHome!

Additional resources:

Scholastic Board Game Design Learning Challenge

Board Game of the Future




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