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Got Rhythm? An Invitation from Vanderbilt’s Music Cognition Lab


Got Rhythm? An Invitation from Vanderbilt’s Music Cognition Lab

By Adventure Science Center

Do you have rhythm? Join a new music-genetics study and learn more about your own rhythm!

Do you have good rhythm? Or is rhythm hard for you? All skill levels are welcome! Vanderbilt University’s Music Cognition Lab is interested in the biological basis of rhythm ability and are inviting English-speaking adults to participate in an online rhythm study.

Participants will be asked to:

  • Participate in a [5-15 or 10-20] minute online task involving listening to different sounds and responding to questions.
  • Provide contact information.
  • You may be asked to provide a saliva sample by spitting into a special kit, provided through the mail.
  • You can choose to receive your rhythm scores at the end of the survey
  • Participants can choose to be entered in a raffle to win a $100 Amazon gift card!

Click here to participate.

Feel free to contact with any questions. Principal Investigator: Reyna L. Gordon, Ph.D.




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